FILL UP THE membership form and SUBMIT TO US.
- New member pays $60* and get six years membership and a SAC T- Shirt and the SAC 60th anniversary book (applicable from lst January 2023 till 31st December 2024)
- New members will enjoy the following benefits:
– Discounted overseas trips (Non-member pays trip levy)
– Free Nature/local walks- (Non-member pays $2 to $5 per person)
- Invitation to Members’ Bonding events like members’ Night, Family Bonding Camp (at discounted rates)
– One vote at Annual General Meeting (AGM is normally held in March)
– Can be nominated to be Management Committee Member after one year of membership. (Just attend AGM and stand for election)
- Events Updates – Regular e-mail updates or WhatsApp messages on Club activities, adventure-related news and events.
- Basic Adventure Training Courses- members will benefit various outdoor skills like rope works, first aid outdoor cooking and camping.
– And many others
If you are between 12 years to 17th Years old and can obtain the consent of your parent, you can join us as “ Junior Membership”
Please email to to notify us that you are keen to sign up as Junior Membership and we will email you an application form. Junior membership enjoys the same benefits like Ordinary Membership except he/she will not be entitled to submit a vote during AGM.